Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Don't be Hamlet

Hamlet definitely has a diemma on his hands, whether he should "suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune or take arms against a sea of troubles." He is debating, in the to be or not to be silliloquy, whether to end his life or deal with his problems. But is he really debating? No, his decision to kill Claudius has already been made, we know this from his decision to continue on with the play. In his speech he is simply pondering, almost phillisopically, about life the difficulty of it. Why anyone would suffer the "whips and scorns of time." But, if he is truely consumed by the idea of ending his own life I would give him this advice; Kill your uncle, then see what happens from there. See if you can work things out with your mother and Ophelia, if you can, great. If not, then go ahead and take your life, your going to hell for murder anyways. So whats the problem?

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