Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Poem analysis

Dramatic situation: Man in love

Structure: there does not appear to be any specific structure. But there is repetition in some lines

Theme: the theme is about moving on from a lost love.

Grammar: there are no abbreviations or shorthands, little punctuation as well, the meaning is about love

Literal vs figurative language: there is a lot of figurative, metaphorical language. Such as "branches" or "shores"

Diction: strong, natural, spiritual, metaphorical words

Tone: sad, forgiving, accepting

Procidy: it flows well, with some sources of repetition and alliteration even though there is no rhyming scheme or specific verse structure.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Great Expectations. Discussion notes

Why did convict cover for Pip?
Because Pip helped him out. E was a convict but still had a heart.

What's up with the woman in the wedding dress?
Woman is crazy left at altar and completely broken. She forces her daughter to become close with people and then takes them away from her.

Wedding cake-

After Pip inherits money he turns into a jerk because he acts the way he expected to: proper, snobbish and starts spending money on useless things.

Foreshadowing: woman in dress is rich but a bad person, so it's seen that when Pip comes into money he will turn out the same way.